
There is that side of momentum that we sometimes don't like. 

The rich get richer. 
The good team, gets good recruits and then gets better and then better recruits and... 
The best-selling artist has all the resources to create more art... and have more people see it...
The successful business owner draws the crowds which draws more business which... lets her risk, and fund, the opening of another business which draws crowds, which...

We don't like it, because it seems unfair and as though they are getting our slice. More than they are supposed to. And then it keeps getting easier for them to get more... 

But, the good news of momentum is that once you get

You too, have started the ball rolling. And once the ball starts rolling, you too start to pick up some energy and momentum and, sure, it's hard work, but, don't worry, momentum is on the horizon.

Instead of being jealous of it in others, start taking advantage of gravity for yourself. 




more than enough fools.