You Are



I’ve spent years as a— if you want to learn more about me, you can do that right here.

We need to talk about you.

Your job, your relationships, your fears, your doubts, your insecurities, your… life.

I know you’re as tired of self-help books, suggestions, clichés, memes, and TikTok posts as I am. That’s why I’m not here to give you any more of those.

As a coach, I’m here to listen. To ask questions. I’m here to help you find the infinitely brilliant version of yourself that you believe is inside you somewhere, because I don’t know much, but I do know you’re right.

It’s in there.

It’s in you.

yes. you.

Light expands and radiates.
Light carries momentum.
Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum - which humans can’t see almost 100% of.
Light creates energy.
Light can appear like a dot, when it’s observed, but it’s most likely more often a wave.

What if you are light?

What if it’s all fundamentally light? 

What if existence is the most obvious thing in the world?
What if it’s more about ridding ourselves of whatever is blocking light instead of trying to find some switch somewhere that turns on the light?

What if the universe is fundamentally for you, helping you, and you don’t have to do it on your own, but you do have to stop trying in all the wrong ways? 

Okay awesome. All this light stuff sounds amazing but if that is true, why the hell does life feel like shit so much of the time?

It’s no easy task to uncover the true us… because it’s been buried in years of programming, trauma, fear, ego, power, systems, scarcity, shame, and endless other shit - which is that shit you’re feeling.

But I am thoroughly convinced that it’s possible to feel a lot more infinite and a lot more like a brilliant light than we do most of the time.

With just a little…



Small, rough particles of stone or sand.

Firmness of character; indomitable spirit; pluck.


To show courage and determination when you are dealing with problems or challenges



Something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.

A feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.

Something that is surprising or hard to believe


To have interest in knowing or learning something : to think about something with curiosity

To be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel.



The amount of an area, room, surface, etc., that is empty or available for use

The limitless area in which all things exist and move

An empty area between things

The freedom and time to behave and think as you want to without being controlled or influenced by someone else


To separate (things) by particular periods of time



Including each person or thing in a group or series

Used to describe how often some repeated activity, event, etc., happens or is done

Not lacking in any way

An undivided or complete thing.

what is life coaching?

Coaching is really cool. It’s not therapy, it’s not mentoring, it’s not consulting, it’s not direction but it is giving you some space, some time, some questions and some help to find the infinite brilliance inside of you. What’s that mean practically?

Jobs. Relationships. Money. Passions. Spirituality. Life.
If it’s not working at its optimal levels this is the time to help get it there.

The history of food says it.
Philosophers from every era and perspective have said it.
The history of music says it.
Physicists, evolutionary biologists, and psychologists have said it.
The history of science says it.

In my opinion, Thomas Merton have might summed it up best when he wrote this:

There is this point in all of us. It is like a pure diamond, blazing with the invisible light of heaven. It is in everybody, and if we could see it we would see these billions of points of light coming together in the face and blaze of a sun that would make all the darkness and cruelty of life vanish completely…. I have no program for this seeing.

I feel like there’s something else they all agree on.

To see - like that - generally takes 4 things.

It’s going to take some grit. Some putting in the work. Some effort. You get it.

It’s going need a dash of wonder - there will be plenty of wow moments and plenty of I don’t know moments - both are essential.

It’s going to need some space - to think, to observe yourself, to allow change. That’s one of the most powerful ideas of coaching - just giving some space to change.

It’s going to take a perspective of every. It’s not me, it’s not you, it’s all of us and every thing that really makes it sing.

The way I see “coaching” it allows for all of them to open up that blazing point of light inside of you. And me.

Let’s schedule a call.

It’s free and it’s a chance for you and me to see if this thing can work really well with no strings attached.