unleash the beast.
That, up above, honestly, kinda sums it up.
I think you’re better, more brilliant, more bad ass, more blazing, more of a force of nature and light than you might think you are. Or maybe you know are but are having a hard time living it.
Either way, I’d also bet money that you know yourself a lot better than anyone else.
That means you know the things that get you excited, the things that piss you off, the things that send a shiver down your spine, the things that make your skin glow, and the things make you feel like you’re actually alive - and not just living - more than anyone else on the planet.
It also means that only you know what color you see when you see what we all call yellow and only you know what sound you hear when you’re listening to who we all call Post Malone. Which is pretty trippy to think about, because it’s actually very true.
It also means that only you know what it felt like eating lunch in 5th grade, walking home from your first kiss, how your heart broke, getting that job, the next morning, on top of the world, when they left, and every other emotion.
If only you know, then only you know…
I fully believe in taking some time and energy to uncover what you know because god knows there is a lot covering it. Neuroscientists say that we spend about 5% of our thoughts in our conscious and 95% in our subconscious. In other words, 95% of our thinking, we don’t even know we’re thinking.
We’ve all been programmed and told, sometimes intentionally and sometimes not, what it means to be a successful man, in love, a failure, a citizen, rich, poor, sexy, religious, spiritual, complete, good, bad, cool, artistic you get it… we’ve all been told a lot of information, some of which is true, and some of which is not.
This is all about giving yourself an opportunity to clean out some of the crap in order to unleash that true you that you know better than anyone. It’s a chance to open the prison doors and let that baby run free because you and I both know it’s chomping at the bit and ready to run.

The master of knowledge is, indeed, a persistent and frequent questioning.
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