Anton Corbijn is a Dutch photographer who has taken pictures of U2, David Bowie, Nirvana, and Depeche Mode… to name a few. His style is black and white and often out of focus. I love his style and his take on life.

He says this: “I feel the imperfection is much closer to how life is than perfection… 

Because I like black-and-white, I already pass the threshold of realism in that sense. The blurriness and the grain that I use, for me, is close to life. I find things that are very static and very sharp and very well-lit and all that is not how I experience life.”

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most responsive to change. - Darwin

It is a special thing that is reserved for especially challenging moments. When we feel that we came to the end point of our preconceived capacities. You could say that sisu is energy, determination in the face of adversities that are more demanding than usual…

They all believe this is magic - this is not magic this is hard work and dedication - Gunther Steiner  

“Talent is bullshit.

I’ve seen a million writers with talent. It means nothing. You need guts, you need stick-to-it-iveness. It’s work, you gotta work, do the freaking work.”

Belief in itself is a seed. Seeds are awesome but if we don’t plant them, water them, give them sunshine they truly are worthless. 

Worse than worthless, they are destructive.