There is a big difference between attaching and creating. I think I realize this in obvious circumstances but maybe not in the less obvious...
Sometimes I want to attach to the space others have created, instead of create my own.
Sometimes I want to attach to the ideas of others, instead of create my own.
Sometimes I want to attach to the trust of others, instead of create trust of my own.
Sometimes I want to attach to relationships others have built, instead of creating my own.
You get the idea.
I think we sometimes use "opportunity" as an excuse for attaching. They never gave me the opportunity to succeed sometimes means, they never let me attach to their success. Or better, they never let me profit from what their space, ideas, trust, and relationships have earned them.
Let me on your podcast. Tweet about me to all your followers. Feature us in a Top 10 list. Let me attach to your space, idea, trust, and relationships... I wonder if, in asking for those things, we miss out on the opportunities to create our own space, ideas, trust, and relationships that will, in turn, give us our own opportunities.
Creating is riskier, harder, and has a much better chance to fail so it's always, at first glance, more appealing to attach. But, it's also very dependent on the host, so we can't complain if we decide to put everything on that choice.