is sympathy a limited resource?

After another news story of an outspoken anti-vaxer politician dying of COVID in Orange County I noticed someone’s response was “tested negative for sympathy”.

I laughed. Shortly after, my wife was telling me a story of a couple who is struggling with their new baby and trying to figure out whether they should stay together, what’s going to happen to the baby, etc… and my response - without thinking much - was “have they heard of birth control?”

My wife didn’t appreciate the response and I later apologized. It wasn't my best response but it did tap into something I’m feeling: I’ve got limited sympathy.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it sure feels like my sympathy runs out. And if it does, I start to ration it. Or determine where to throw it.

And when that happens I start to gauge consequences and who deserves certain things and who doesn’t it and… honestly another friend was just diagnosed with cancer and, though I’m sure, maybe, there is some human action that affected that cancer at some point, it sure doesn’t seem the same as someone who refuses a vaccine and then dies of COVID.

Actions have consequences, we say. But I’ve done actions that should have had bad consequences and didn’t. And some people do actions that should create great actions, and don’t.

And all of this is dangerous, I admit. And I don’t really like it.

So, I don’t know if sympathy is a limited resource or not. But I do know it feels like it is.

So show yourself some sympathy - for those occasional outbursts - and I guess, keep seeking more sympathy from wherever you can find it. It may be limited but I’m sure there’s more I can find at the same time.


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