God knows these words from the teacher are the soothe we all need right now for an anxious nation in worried times. Read them now more than ever.
Let your mind be massaged by an ancient wisdom in modern times. 10/10
Five singles or the full color hardback containing all five and more.
The new full color hardback combining all 5 of the previously released “teacher” books.
130 concise and powerful meditations on a variety of topics from Attention to Jealousy to Zealot.
Early in 2020 Ryan met "the teacher" to listen to his wisdom and to engage with his unique perspective and vision. They would go on to meet five times, covering a variety of topics and subjects and all of them are contained in this single hardback volume.
Easy to read but not easy to forget.
Brilliant insights that will leave you thinking, in all the ways you want to be, for days.
The first "single" from Ryan Miller and "the teacher".
In 2020 (during isolation) Ryan managed to spend a day with a mysterious "teacher". He took notes on their conversations and tried to soak up as much wisdom as he could. In this first volume of some of their conversations "the teacher" talks through a variety of topics from "attention" and "bias" to "spectrum" and "zoo".
Each of the 26 chapters is short and concise - perfect for the times - but packed with wisdom for the current time.
Read them in 20 seconds but think about them for 20 days.
Relax and learn with the teacher.
Paperback / Digital
The second "single" from Ryan Miller and "the teacher".
Given the racial turmoil and general state of the world, Ryan managed to spend another day with the mysterious "teacher". He took notes on their conversations and tried to soak up as much wisdom as he could. In this second volume of some of their conversations "the teacher" talks through a variety of topics related to religion from "anger" and "guilt" to "sin" and "zen".
Each of the 26 chapters is short and concise - perfect for the times - but packed with wisdom for the current time.
Read them in 20 seconds but think about them for 20 days.
Relax and learn with the teacher.
Paperback / Digital
The third "single" from Ryan Miller and "the teacher".
Given the racial turmoil and general state of the world, especially the United States, Ryan managed to spend another day with the mysterious "teacher". He took notes on their conversations and tried to soak up as much wisdom as he could. In this third volume of some of their conversations "the teacher" talks through a variety of topics related to America from "brave" and "flag" to "united" and "zealot".
Each of the 26 chapters is short and concise - perfect for the times - but packed with wisdom for the current time.
Read them in 20 seconds but think about them for 20 days.
Relax and learn with the teacher.
Paperback / Digital
The fourth "single" from Ryan Miller and "the teacher".
Ryan managed to spend another day with the mysterious "teacher". He took notes on their conversations and tried to soak up as much wisdom as he could. In this fourth volume of some of their conversations "the teacher" talks through a variety of topics related to sexuality from "body" and "human" to "unicorn" and "zipper".
Each of the 26 chapters is short and concise - perfect for the times - but packed with wisdom for the current time.
Read them in 20 seconds but think about them for 20 days.
Relax and learn with the teacher.
Paperback / Digital
The fifth (and final) "single" from Ryan Miller and "the teacher".
Ryan managed to spend another day with the mysterious "teacher", this time letting him talk without interruption. He took notes and tried to soak up as much wisdom as he could. In this fifth volume "the teacher" talks through a variety of topics from "change" and "shame" to "truth" and "zombie".
Each of the 26 chapters is short and concise - perfect for the times - but packed with wisdom for the current time.
Read them in 20 seconds but think about them for 20 days.
Relax and learn with the teacher.
Paperback / Digital