I’ve raised 3 kids and started 3 businesses. I’ve designed video games and I’ve designed church services. I’ve left careers and religions. I went to 5 schools by the time I graduated. and then I’ve lived in the same house for 20 years and grown some roots. I’ve changed my views on almost every topic on Earth. I’ve failed miserably, had some success, and, most importantly, tried to keep evolving through it all.
Actually, most importantly, I’ve talked to countless people over many years about their stories and their lives - their pain and their fear and their joy and their love. I’ve listened much more than I’ve talked and I’ve learned much more than I’ve taught, but at the end of the day, at least at this point in my life, I’ve come away with one thing:
I love helping people remove the anchors, the weights, the programming, and the junk to see what has been there all along: infinite brilliance.
What if the universe is fundamentally for you, helping you, and you don’t have to do it on your own, but you do have to stop trying in all the wrong ways?
What if the problem isn’t you?
Sure, sounds amazing, but if any of that is near true, why does life feel not anywhere near like any of this is true so much of the time?
I don’t believe it’s an easy task to uncover the true us because it’s been buried in years of programming, trauma, fear, ego, power, systems, scarcity, shame, and endless other junk—which is what you’re feeling.
But I am thoroughly convinced that it’s possible to feel a lot more infinite and a lot more like a brilliant light than we do most of the time.
what is life coaching?
Coaching, in my opinion is just opportunity.
We have all kinds of coaches in life and, in my humble opinion, I think every human should be coached throughout their lives.
It’s not therapy, it’s not mentoring, it’s not consulting, it’s not direction but it is giving you some space, some time, some questions and some help to unleash the true you, hiding in there, buried in there, or just too afraid to come out.
Jobs. Relationships. Money. Passions. Spirituality. Life.
If they aren’t working at their optimal levels this is the time to help get it there.
(And it’s really hard in this culture of ours, that most of us are swimming in, to really dedicate the time and energy needed to get there.)
So that’s coaching.
I can talk about it a lot more but the best way to learn if it’s for you, is to schedule a free call where I’ll talk you through the whole thing and give ourselves a chance to see if this thing can work really well, with no strings attached.