leave the cagefind the wonder.
Let’s be honest, between toxic masculinity, religious programming, and all the bro-experts wandering around the world these days, it’s no wonder men are not feeling sure which way to go. But if you’re here, reading this, you know there’s more and there’s someone you want to be above and beyond all the noise.
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I once watched a video of lab monkeys being freed. These monkeys had spent their entire lives in cages, experimented on by people in white coats. It was a terrible life. But one day, they were released. The cages opened, and for the first time, they felt sunlight, touched trees, and ran across a field of grass. It was breathtaking.
Some monkeys bolted immediately. They raced toward freedom, climbing trees, laughing from the top branches. Others sat in the sun, soaking it in like we do in March after months of gray. They couldn’t believe something so simple, so vast, and so free could feel this good.
But some…some sat by the door. Sunlight? Grass? Trees? They weren’t so sure. “I think I’ll stick with my familiar four walls and the scientist who brings me food and pokes me with needles,” they seemed to say.
Religion, cultural expectations, money, or shame have often felt like that cage for many of us—an experiment that pokes and prods, locking us in a tight box. Some grow to love the box. So when someone starts talking about life, mystery, and true freedom, they grip the walls even tighter. “No, thank you.” The cage may hurt, but it feels safe and certain.
But not for you. The cage door is open - in fact, it’s always been open, and it’s time to walk out of it. Yes, it’s dangerous, because if there’s any kind of life in this universe, it’s certainly not safe. Truth is not safe. Love is not safe. Wonder is not safe. But safety isn’t what we’re here for—it’s the real, untamed beauty of life that sets us free.
Your family, friends, habits, and beliefs might still feel like they’re pulling you back. Or maybe you just don’t know who you are anymore because you’re letting too many other people and systems tell you who they think you should be.
This isn’t easy. But together, we can create space to uncover the real you—the you who’s meant to run, to bask in the sun, to jump into the trees, and discover the freedom, love, life, and wonder waiting for you.
Worst case, we’ll share thirty minutes of meaningful conversation. Best case? You might find yourself with a view and smile you never thought possible.

The one who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.
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