You had enough. You finally left. It felt amazing. You know you’re enough without it.

But, now what? It feels like something is missing and you know what it is but you are never going back but is there something about that thing that you once had that you can find without going back to the thing? Or was that thing pointing to something real that you never found in that thing because that thing sucks? Or…

I know all the feelings. I was raised by a pastor. I was a pastor for a while and I said enough too. Left the church I started, the religion I was born in and haven’t looked back since.

But it’s just not that easy.

You are “infinite brilliance”. Already. Now. Religion hid a lot of it and it’s time to uncover that full blazing beast that is inside of you and let it roar. It’s time to fully the cut the lines to what is weighing it down and break down the walls holding it in.

In short, it’s time to find wonder again. Both kinds. The “I wonder if I can do that…” kind and the “holy shit did you see that?” kind.

Your jobs, relationships, fears, doubts, insecurities, spirituality, viewpoints, passions—your life. As a certified coach, I love asking questions, provoking thoughts, bringing awareness, and helping people uncover the infinitely brilliant version of themselves that they believe is inside them, because…

You are right. It’s in there. Let’s let this thing fly.

No one becomes a fool until they stop asking.



What if the universe is fundamentally for you, helping you, and you don’t have to do it alone, but you need to stop trying in all the wrong ways? What are the right ways without religion around anymore or someone telling you what they are?

What if the problem isn’t you? It’s certainly not that you finally left. It’s certainly not that you don’t have it in you.

No one said this was easy. The true you is buried under years of programming, trauma, fear, ego, systems, scarcity, and shame. Religion, culture, parents, friends, past experiences… there is a whole host of things that pile on to hide human beings and those things that pile on like to dig in pretty deep and stick around.

I’m convinced it’s possible to feel much more infinite and brilliant than we do most of the time, or even can inside of religion.

I’m convinced it’s possible to form some new neurons and habits and ways of life, after a life of having them formed for us.

I’m convinced it’s possible for you to be more you than you’ve ever been, and have more wonder than you’ve ever had.

The one who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.



I’ve raised kids and businesses. Designed video games and church services. Left careers and religions. Heard countless stories as a pastor, a certified life coach, and well, just a human being who loves to listen to people and find out more.

Over the years, I've talked to countless people about their pain, fear, joy, and love. I've come away with one thing:

We are way better than we think and religion has really fucked a lot of us up and stolen many of the very things it promised us.

I truly believe we are more capable, more brilliant, more free and, dare I say, more spiritual, than we think or religion told us we were. I love guiding people to remove the anchors, weights, programming, and junk, to reveal the goodness that’s been there all along.

One who never asks, either knows everything or nothing.



What is this?

Therapists, counselors, teachers, consultants, mentors, coaches… it all gets pretty confusing. Let me tell you what I love to help people do:

  1. Function Better: I love to help functioning people, function even better. Therapy tends to help those struggling to function and if you need that more I love therapists and know quite a few brilliant ones.

  2. Empowerment: I love empowering people to do it, to see it, to live it, rather than doing it for you or even advising you the exact way to get it done. You know infinitely more about you than I do.

  3. Self-Discovery: I love to help people uncover the best versions of themselves. This is not about guiding you to become like me (god knows we don’t need that). I’m not the expert about you. You are.

I try to create space and time for you to uncover you. And that has profound effects: enhancing jobs, relationships, finances, passions, spirituality, and life. I love providing an opportunity to evolve amidst our way-to-busy-distracted culture.

There is more to say, but the best way to determine if I’m the right person for you is to schedule a free call or take this little questionnaire. I’ll walk you through the process and see if we’re a good fit, with no strings attached.

Side note: I especially love talking to anyone struggling to regain spiritual footing after leaving religion or trying to recover from a harsh religious journey.

The power to question is the basis of all human progress.


let's' unleash this thing! this infinite, brilliant, shining, astonishing, bad-ass, blazing, energy that's you!

Have no fear of perfection.

Salvador Dali

Copyright ©2024 Ryan Miller

Site Design: H With R