
This is my new theory. If you imagine yourself making $400,000 a year (maybe you already do) and can’t really imagine how/what you would do with that kind of money or how you would ever spend it or why you would ever possibly need more… you will be a happier person. It doesn’t mean you have to make that amount of money and I suppose the amount could change slightly depending on where you live (although I think it holds pretty steady for most places in the U.S.) but if that’s “enough” for you, you will be happier than those who don’t believe it’s enough.

I’ve seen it proven over and over and, it’s not really about the money but about the way we see money and it’s a good indicator of how we see money. Frankly, I’m 95% convinced it’s true.

Yes, I know… but investments? Retirement? That summer lake place?

It’s simple. Is that enough for you or not?


don’t forget better


it all seems wrong… which is alright.