
Imagine a group of 10 people out in a desert. They are trekking over miles and miles and have no water or anything to drink. They are getting desperate. They are going to die of thirst.

And then they see it. A giant gatorade dispenser in the distance. The problem is that it will take all 10 of them to stack on top of each other in order to get the the gatorade and 3 of them are not interested in gatorade.

What? We’re dying out here.

Man, I can’t drink gatorade, it’s got too much sugar.

Wait, what?

Yeah, it’s water or nothing for me.

But… it’s gatorade or nothing. There is no water.

Well, one of the men says. And he pulls out a small canteen. I do have a small amount of water myself so I’m good for another few days. It’s out now but I’ve been drinking it.

And not sharing.

Man, listen, we’re all dying out here.

Ok, fine, can you at least help us get the gatorade? We have to have it. It’s gatorade or death.

Sorry, man, my conscience can’t handle giving you gatorade… it’s just not great for you.

But it’s better than NOTHING!!


It’s a ridiculous story, right?

Yet, I feel like it’s happening all around me: people sacrificing BETTER for PERFECT (or at least perfect in their heads).

BETTER requires us to acknowledge that neither choice is the PERFECT choice but PERFECT requires us to ignore everything that might be really really good and potentially end up with really really bad.

So yes, Biden is old and Israel and this… and that… He’s not PERFECT.

He’s 100 times BETTER than the alternative - unless you watch Fox News all day and have no idea of actual reality in which case the alternative is BETTER and ironically - for most of those people - Trump is not PERFECT but he’s BETTER. Maybe they’re the smarter ones after all.


The Cynics Are Alright


50 things I've learned at 50.