strong or fragile.

Strong things bend without breaking. They are flexible. 

Strong things can take criticism. 

Strong things grow and recognize failure. 

Strong things have strong souls, not just strong fists. 

Strong things are firm enough in their convictions they are okay with disruptions. 

Strong things do the most with the least. 


Fragile things need everyone to agree. 

Fragile things can't handle criticism. 

Fragile things collapse when one block is pulled out. 

Fragile things constantly need more resources to prop them up. 


Do we have the world's strongest military? 

Do we have the world's strongest country? 

Do we have the world's strongest flag? 


One thing I know is that love is strong and fear is weak. So I made this shirt to remind me of that. It's my mantra right now and I say it constantly. Love is greater than fear. Fear is less than love. It helps. I have it everywhere. People asked me if it was going to be a shirt. It is and you can buy it here

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10 things I actually care about...


when in doubt.