the rules.
Bjarke Ingels is a Dane and a world class architect. In talking about Copenhagen, he referenced the Danes and their love of architectural rules. There is a certain way you do things. Yet, he said, the things that make the Copenhagen skyline the skyline it is, are the buildings where the rules were broken.
It's what stands out. It's what makes the city unique and what it is.
Yesterday I was driving downtown when I noticed headlights. There was a car coming directly toward me in my lane and I was in the far right lane. I swerved, honked, and eventually the driver realized what he was doing and pulled off into a yard.
He too was breaking the rules, but not the kind of rules that should be.
The trick is not driving in the wrong lane while still not designing the building everyone says you are supposed to. The trick is not mixing those up.