the basics.
You know better than me.
Coaching, at its root, believes this to be true and everything emanates from that. We all have our prejudices, our biases, our beliefs, and my version of all of those is probably not the best for you. I’m not in your head. I don’t know you like you do.
So coaching is lots of questions, some exercises, and, honestly, just some dedicated time and space to help you draw out the true you and let it flourish and become the you that you live in. The you that is the best for you and those around you.
I happen to think there are 4 main ingredients to the whole process and I think this ingredients are generally a part of of almost all growth.
Here’s quick summary of them below.
Small, rough particles of stone or sand.
Firmness of character; indomitable spirit; pluck.
To show courage and determination when you are dealing with problems or challenges
Something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
A feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
Something that is surprising or hard to believe
To have interest in knowing or learning something : to think about something with curiosity
To be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel.
The amount of an area, room, surface, etc., that is empty or available for use
The limitless area in which all things exist and move
An empty area between things
The freedom and time to behave and think as you want to without being controlled or influenced by someone else
To separate (things) by particular periods of time
Including each person or thing in a group or series
Used to describe how often some repeated activity, event, etc., happens or is done
Not lacking in any way
An undivided or complete thing.