In the beginning...

There’s two choices that we each have. Pretty difficult at this point to prove either one so I guess it’s just a matter of choice.

  1. There was noting before there was something. This means that before the universe was “born” there was nothing. How something can be born into nothing or how nothing could actually exist or how nothing could become enough for something are all Ideas that will break our head.

  2. There was something before there was something as we know it. I don’t know what this something was - a creator, a programmer, an aritifical intelligence or a god but there was something. If there was something that something is bigger or outside all the somethign’s we know and that too will break our head.

Those really are the only two choices.

I’m personally still with #2. It just breaks my head less. But it leads to two more choices.

  1. The thing is evil. If the thing is evil, or just wants power and/or worship and/or has an ego - which let’s be real, if this thing is powerful enough to create all the somethings that we know, than there is a decent possibility it is evil, than it could create a religion that makes a bunch of people who think they know everything and make everyone else suffer just to feed its own ego and manipulate a bunch of people to make themselves think they are doing the right thing only to find out they are not. Honestly, if the thing was just a bad king, it is enough to make our head break.

  2. The thing is good, or just has some kind of freeing, creative, watching purpose that somehow allows it to not be an asshole even with such power. Or it just simply doesn’t have power, even though it had the power to be outside the universe of things that we know of before this thing we know of existed. This too is enough to make our head hurt.

So, it seems to be all the options are enough to make my head hurt, carry equal mystery, carry equal frustration, carry equal uncertainty and lack of any ability to know and thus… I can choose one that make me best able to handle this mad world.



spiritual is...


my first rule to make the world better.